The Chronicles Of Rach Bid

Friday, January 7, 2011

Here We Go! (Part Deux)

I gave in.  I'm starting a blog.  I'm becoming that person (don't worry, I still refuse to get a Twitter).  But I'm not doing this so I can share my clever thoughts with the world wide web, no it's because I'm about to study abroad in South Africa for four months and I want to keep all of my friends and family and loved ones informed (because I know they're all so curious), and this seemed like the best way.  So, after the end of January, I will be committed to blogging and updating all of my South Africa excursions once or twice a week.  I know, I'm excited too.

(Somewhat useful information: I recently had to change my blog and had to get a new URL. Start following this guy instead starting NOW.)

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