The Chronicles Of Rach Bid

Monday, March 28, 2011


I haven't posted in a solid amount of time. Oooooooppppssss.

Other than being an awful person and not informing any of you about my whereabouts, I have been quite busy.

For starters, about three weekends (actually I have no idea how many because everythings a blur now) ago me and a group of people stayed the weekend in Durban and it was awesome.
I was pretty over being at our campus all the time and the change of scenery was the ideal way to break up the cabin fever.
We also got to eat Mexican food for the first time since we were here. THANK GOD.
(A bunch of kids in my bio class formed this question on our last trip: Would you rather have carne asade burritos for a week or hang out with your friends/family for two hours? Yea, I think everyone reading this probs knows me well enough to know I'd pick El Rosal or Las Casuelas any day. Sorry guys.)
Other than that, we played at the beach, bargained at markets, and got caught in one of the best thunderstorms I've ever experienced.  That weekend will still probably go in the books as the best weekend yet.

The next weekend (or one of the next) we had a tour of the battlefields.  Don't worry, I wont bore you with the details.  It's not even worth it for me to recollect my memory to retype it.

Since then, we have started service sites which I think I already elaborated on before.  But just as a reminder, me and my group are doing a fatty research project on African crafting.
And I will definitely be posting more about that later.  Once we're donezo.
Here's a little teaser:
This will make sense soon. Hopefully.

Lazy Sunday:
Yesterday I watched the entire Bourne trilogy.  And it was awesome.  And it even deserves it's own picture.

I just realized this whole post was extremely jumpy.  But this weekend we're going on safari and then we're off to Cape Town.
Oh one more thing, I FINISHED MY ONLINE THEOLOGY CLASS!!! Best day ever.
Stay classy everyone.

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